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CSR approach

Since its creation, Staffmatch has fully integrated social, environmental and economic concerns into its operation. In addition, Staffmatch significantly reduces the use of paper and its CO2 footprint through usage of digital and specific tools (web platform, electronic signature, and mobile applications).

Earth illustration with diverse caring icons floating around it.
PDF file.
Towards a better future

Our social
and ethical commitments

We empower our employees through participatory management, dynamic management of career paths and participation in solidarity events. In addition to its social and ethical commitments, the Staffmatch group is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified and complies with data protection.

Our responsible purchasing charter
A committed company

Our ecological actions

As a phygital interim agency, we are fully aware of our impact on the environment.
Every day, we implement actions to protect the environment.

  • More than 500,000 sheets of paper saved per year thanks to the digitalization of administrative processes.
  • Devices controlling the interior temperature of the various rooms in order to promote rational use of heating or air conditioning.
  • Generalization of selective sorting in all premises: establishment of collective sorting bins and elimination of individual bins.
  • Specific treatment of “heavy” waste (ink cartridges, IT equipment, etc.).
  • Systematic renewal of lighting with energy saving LED lamps.
Man putting a bottle in a recycling bin.
Two Staffmatch branded cars in front of a building.
  • Fleet of 100% electric vehicles at headquarters (Ile-de-France). Depending on the possibility, conversion of thermal vehicles into electric vehicles for agencies in provinces (currently 53% of electric vehicles in the provinces).
  • Standby / automatic shutdown of electrical equipment (software or clock).
  • Headquarters meeting the requirements of BREEAM and NF HQE 2011 tertiary building certification.
  • Eco-responsible purchases of office supplies. Environmentally friendly household treatment products.
  • Limitation of water consumption: aerators on taps, water fountains, toilet flushes with economy mechanism.
A responsible Group

Our social actions

Today more than ever, companies are called upon to play an active role in contributing to a responsible future.
The Staffmatch Group commits on a daily basis to make the world of work fairer.

  • Raising awareness and training our recruitment teams on inclusive recruitment and integration of disabled workers.
  • Personalized follow-up of our temporary workers and skills development programs, CDII signatures.
  • Partnerships with organizations specializing in professional integration to identify and support potential candidates for a CDII signature.
  • Promoting an inclusive corporate culture by encouraging diversity and valuing the contributions of all employees.
  • Partner suppliers collaborating with some ESAT (Establishments and Services for Assistance through Work).
Two Staffmatch team members presenting Staffmatch at an event.
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Staffmatch, interim group, declares its activity to DRIEETS (Regional Interdepartmental Directorate for Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity) in accordance with article R-124-1 of the Labor Code. Atradius is our financial guarantor ensuring salaries and social charges of temporary workers in case of default in accordance with article L-1251-50 of the Labor Code.Copyright 2024 © Staffmatch