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The temp agency
designed for you

By working with us, you are choosing freedom. Our applications were designed so you can focus on your missions.

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Being a Staffmatch temp worker

We have redesigned temporary work by simplifying each of the steps,
from the mission proposal to the payment of your salary.
Combining work and freedom in temporary work is possible with Staffmatch.

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Offers according to your availability

Exclusive features!

With your Staffmatch account, working in interim has never been easier. Our platform was designed
above all for you.

Notification on laptop icon.

Offers according to your availability

Bank card icon.

Instant advance payments

Signed contract icon.

Sign your contracts online

Calculator icon.

Estimated salary

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Finding a job has never been easier

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Staffmatch is here to support you and make your job search a success.

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They chose Staffmatch, read the testimonials of our temp workers.

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Staffmatch supports you on a daily basis

Exclusive advantages

We are the only temp agency that has been designed for you. Staffmatch, more than a temp agency, a daily partner.

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Phone with Staffmatch application.
Phone with Staffmatch application.
Temporary workersFor our temporary workers
ClientsFor our clients

One application to control everything

With our Android and iOS applications, manage your interim missions from your mobile. Manage your schedule, control your missions and view your payslips.
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Temp working advantages

Solutions adapted to your needs

White cross on heart icon.



In the event of temporary (incapacity) or permanent (invalidity) work stoppage, your obtain additional income added to the allowances provided by social security. In the even of death, the capital is paid to your heirs.

Health insurance

If you have worked at least 414 hours over the last 12 months, you benefit from temporary workers health insurance, which partially covers health costs for you and your family.
Deckchair and umbrella icon.



On every worked mission hour, you contribute towards your retirement. In addition to that, thanks to Staffmatch, you also benefit from an additional plan that is added to your basic retirement plan.
Pen and briefcase icon.


Allocations d’aide au retour à l’emploi (ARE)

You are entitled to the return-to-work assistance allowance if you have worked at least 910 interim hours:
  • In the last 24 months if you are under 53.
  • In the last 36 months if you are 53 or older.
House icon.


Fonds d’Action Sociale du Travail Temporaire (FASTT)

If you are a tenant, you get help finding and insuring your accommodation. If you wish to become an owner, you can benefit from personalized support.
Calendar icon.

Daily life


Are you starting a mission and need babysitting? The SOS Child Care service can find a quick solution for you at home or in a nursery.

Holidays and social actions

All year round, you can benefit of advantageous rates (rental, accommodation, plane ticket, etc.) for you and your children.
Car icon.


Fonds d’Action Sociale du Travail Temporaire (FASTT)

You can be helped to rent a vehicle or have yours repaired at a reduced price, but also to finance your driving license.

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123,304 Staffmatch temp workers!

 Illustration of diverse smartphones icons.

Being a Staffmatch temp worker

Staffmatch allows you to work freely and provides you with
many advantages and exclusives features.

Umbrella with a balloon icon.

All our advantages

Look to the future with serenity thanks to a comprehensive support.

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Person giving their opinion icon.

Our temp workers testimonials

Like 123,304 of our temps, trust Staffmatch!

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Being a Staffmatch temp worker

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Personal informationLegal mentionsCookies
Staffmatch, interim group, declares its activity to DRIEETS (Regional Interdepartmental Directorate for Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity) in accordance with article R-124-1 of the Labor Code. Atradius is our financial guarantor ensuring salaries and social charges of temporary workers in case of default in accordance with article L-1251-50 of the Labor Code.Copyright 2025 © Staffmatch