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Maintenance agent

The maintenance agent ensures the proper functioning and longevity of equipment and technical installations. As a versatile professional, they perform various types of repairs and preventive maintenance, playing a crucial role in the continuity of a company's operations.
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Maintenance agent

Missions: Maintenance agent

Their role in temporary work is fundamental to offer companies a flexible and responsive solution to occasional or seasonal maintenance needs, thus guaranteeing the performance and safety of equipment.
The missions of a maintenance agent include performing diagnostics, repairing faults, maintaining machines and systems (such as heating, air conditioning, plumbing), and upgrading installations. They must follow maintenance plans, comply with safety standards, document their interventions, and sometimes train staff on the correct use of equipment. This professional must be able to react quickly to emergencies, work closely with production teams, and suggest improvements to optimize processes.

Skills and training

A professional diploma in the relevant field, such as a CAP in Industrial Equipment Maintenance, a Bac Pro in Automated Mechanical Systems Maintenance, or a BTS in Systems Maintenance, is often required. Possession of specific certifications, like electrical accreditation, may be required. Proficiency in computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) tools is an advantage.
With experience, a maintenance agent can progress to higher positions such as senior maintenance technician, maintenance manager, or join design teams to improve the maintainability of new equipment. Additional training and the acquisition of project management skills can open pathways to management positions.
Working as a temporary maintenance agent offers the opportunity to gain a rich and varied experience by working in different sectors and environments. This allows for the development of valuable adaptability and the expansion of one's professional network. For companies, temporary work is an effective solution for managing maintenance activity peaks or temporarily replacing team members, thus ensuring the continuity of operations without compromising quality or safety.
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Staffmatch, interim group, declares its activity to DRIEETS (Regional Interdepartmental Directorate for Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity) in accordance with article R-124-1 of the Labor Code. Atradius is our financial guarantor ensuring salaries and social charges of temporary workers in case of default in accordance with article L-1251-50 of the Labor Code.Copyright 2025 © Staffmatch