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The courier

The courier is responsible for the rapid delivery of documents or small parcels between different companies or individuals, playing an essential role in the communication and logistics chain. Their in-depth knowledge of the geographical area in which they operate ensures timely, efficient delivery.
Job sheets
The courier

Missions: The courier

This profession plays an important role in the temporary employment sector, meeting the occasional needs of companies for replacements or peaks in activity, offering the flexibility essential to resource management.
A courier's main tasks include receiving items for delivery, planning routes to optimize delivery times, and safely transporting items to their destination. They must verify the accuracy of addresses, obtain signatures on deliveries, and handle payments if necessary. Meeting deadlines is essential, as is the ability to navigate efficiently in an often complex urban environment. The courier must also maintain his means of transport, whether a motorized vehicle or a bicycle, and be prepared to work in a variety of weather conditions.

Skills and training

No specific qualifications are required to become a courier, but a driving license is often necessary for deliveries by motorized vehicle. Key skills include good spatial orientation, communication skills, and a basic knowledge of vehicle maintenance. Training in logistics or transport may be an asset.
With experience, a courier can progress to management or coordination roles in logistics companies, become a team supervisor, or even start his or her own courier business. Additional training in business management or logistics can support this professional development.
Le travail en intérim comme coursier permet une grande flexibilité horaire, idéale pour ceux qui cherchent à concilier plusieurs activités ou engagements personnels. C'est aussi une excellente façon de découvrir différents secteurs et entreprises, élargissant ainsi son réseau professionnel. Pour les personnes appréciant la mobilité et le changement, le métier de coursier en intérim offre une variété quotidienne et la possibilité de travailler en extérieur, loin des environnements de bureau traditionnels.
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