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The butler is a key figure in welcoming and service in high-end dining establishments, ensuring an exceptional customer experience. They coordinate the dining room service, manage customer relations, and oversee the smooth operation of service.
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Missions: Butler

In temporary staffing, the role of the butler is crucial for establishments seeking temporary expertise and service excellence, particularly during special events or replacements.
The butler oversees the dining room setup, coordinates the team of servers, welcomes guests, and advises them on the selection of dishes and wines. They ensure customer satisfaction throughout the service and manage any complaints with tact and professionalism. The butler is also responsible for training the dining room staff and may be involved in developing menus in collaboration with the head chef. Their presence ensures a refined atmosphere and impeccable service.

Skills and training

A diploma in hotel and restaurant management, such as a two-year technical degree in Hotel and Restaurant Management or specific training in restaurant service management, is recommended. Proficiency in several foreign languages and a good understanding of service techniques are essential.
The butler can progress to management positions in hotel and restaurant management, such as restaurant manager or accommodation manager. Continuous training in management and leadership can facilitate this career progression.
Working as a temporary butler offers the opportunity to experience various work environments, enrich service expertise, and expand a professional network. It also allows for great flexibility and the possibility of choosing varied assignments. For establishments, using a temporary butler is an effective solution to maintain a high level of service for specific events or to evaluate potential candidates for permanent positions.
Hotels and catering
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