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The receptionist is often the first point of contact between a company and its clients or visitors, playing a crucial role in managing reception and the transmission of information. Their presentation and professionalism can significantly influence the perception of the company.
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Missions: Receptionist

In temporary work, the receptionist brings versatility and adaptability to various work environments, which is essential for businesses that need to cover leaves of absence, periods of high activity, or to test new candidates for permanent positions.
The main tasks of a receptionist include welcoming visitors, managing phone calls, directing clients or visitors to the right contacts or services, and handling reservations or specific requests. They are also responsible for managing incoming and outgoing mail, preparing meeting rooms, and updating information necessary for reception. A good receptionist must be able to provide accurate information about the company's services while ensuring efficient management of their workspace.

Skills and training

A secondary level diploma may suffice, but further training such as a BTS in hotel and restaurant management, a BTS in management of commercial units, or a specific diploma in reception are valuable assets. Proficiency in one or more foreign languages is often required, as well as computer skills, particularly in using reservation management software or customer database software.
A receptionist can progress to positions such as head of reception, executive assistant, or even facility manager in certain sectors like hospitality. Continuous training and the acquisition of new skills, particularly in management and foreign languages, can facilitate this progression.
Working as a temporary receptionist offers great flexibility and the opportunity to experience different sectors of activity, which is ideal for enriching one's resume and developing a professional network. It also allows for gaining valuable experience in reception management and customer service, skills sought after in many fields. Temp work can be an entry opportunity for permanent positions, thus offering a pathway to a stable and rewarding career.
Hotels and catering
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Staffmatch, interim group, declares its activity to DRIEETS (Regional Interdepartmental Directorate for Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity) in accordance with article R-124-1 of the Labor Code. Atradius is our financial guarantor ensuring salaries and social charges of temporary workers in case of default in accordance with article L-1251-50 of the Labor Code.Copyright 2025 © Staffmatch