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Mediation in interim

In case of conflicts between the temporary employee and the user company, Staffmatch commits to intervene as a mediator to find amicable solutions.

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What is mediation in interim?

As part of mediation in interim, a neutral and impartial mediator may be called upon to help resolve issues such as workplace conflicts, disagreements over contracts or working conditions, health and security questions, or other concerns specific to temporary work. The mediator listens to the points of view of all parties, facilitates communication, and helps identify mutually acceptable solutions, without taking sides or imposing a decision.

At Staffmatch, we facilitate dialogue and negotiation to resolve conflicts amicably, looking after the interests of all parties.

Our commitment

A dedicated team

At Staffmatch, we have a team dedicated to mediation. Whether you have disagreements with the user company, problems regarding your remuneration, questions or doubts about your security or you are the victim of discrimination or harassment, you can count on us.

Cécilia Cony, one of the members of our team dedicated to mediation.
Mediation’s benefits

Why use mediation?

Interim mediation offers several key benefits, such as easing tensions, maintaining professional ties, and is often a less expensive and more informal option compared to litigation or arbitration.

This process can be initiated voluntarily by the parties involved or suggested via collective agreements, internal company policies, or standards specific to the field of temporary employment. Using mediation in the context of temporary work proves to be an effective, economical and caring strategy.

What are our actions?


Listen to each party by organizing separate meetings.


Analyze the information to identify the causes of the conflict.


Facilitate communication between parties.


Implement solutions.


Keep all parties informed throughout the process.


Save all steps and agreements for future reference.


Identify solutions to avoid future conflicts.


Provide ongoing support to the parties to maintain good relations.

The key to successful mediation lies in the ability to manage conflicts professionally and prevent them through neutral dialogue and a respectful approach.

Our team at your service

Discover the Staffmatch mediation team.

One member of our mediation team.
Three members of our mediation team.
Two members of our mediation team.

Contact a Staffmatch mediator

The Staffmatch team is available 24/7 to meet your needs.

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Staffmatch, interim group, declares its activity to DRIEETS (Regional Interdepartmental Directorate for Economy, Employment, Labor and Solidarity) in accordance with article R-124-1 of the Labor Code. Atradius is our financial guarantor ensuring salaries and social charges of temporary workers in case of default in accordance with article L-1251-50 of the Labor Code.Copyright 2024 © Staffmatch