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Café owner

The café owner manages a café, ensuring customer reception, drink preparation, and overall establishment management. This role requires versatility, a sense of service, and management skills.
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Job sheets
Café owner

Missions: Café owner

The significance of the profession in temporary roles is evident in the ability to adapt to different café environments and meet seasonal or temporary needs of establishments, thereby providing continuity of service and a quality customer experience.
As a café owner, the responsibilities range from preparing various beverages, primarily coffee and tea, to managing food and drink inventories. They create a welcoming atmosphere, maintain the cleanliness of the café, and manage staff. Financial management, such as handling money, keeping accounts, and pricing, is also part of their duties. Café owners must be attentive and interact with their clientele to build loyalty and accordingly adapt their offerings. Knowledge of current trends in coffee and pastries is a plus.

Skills and training

Training in hotel and restaurant management, such as a CAP/BEP or a BTS in hotel and restaurant management, is recommended. Knowledge in business management and customer service is crucial. Specific certifications in coffee, like those offered by the Specialty Coffee Association, can also be an advantage.
With experience, a café owner may consider opening their own establishment, expanding their business to multiple cafés, or diversifying into other types of food services. Ongoing training and business management experience are key to success in these endeavors.
Working as a temporary café owner offers the opportunity to gain varied experience by managing different types of cafés and adapting to diverse customer bases. This allows the development of a wide range of skills in service, beverage preparation, and management, while benefiting from job flexibility. For establishments, employing a temporary café owner can help maintain a high level of service during transitional periods or staff absences, while evaluating new talent for long-term engagements.
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